Retreat: Fruit of Goodness/Gentleness
Our monthly topic for September will be to explore the Fruit of Goodness and Gentleness.
Clothing Drop Off/Pick Ups
We are always looking for volunteers to help us with partner and community pick ups/drop offs. If you are looking for a wonderful way to help someone in need this is the place for you.
We have monthly commitments for some partners that requires only 1 time per month drop offs and then we also have the opportunities for community request drop offs for clothing. We also have an opportunity to pick up clothing from our partners which would range from monthly or weekly depending on your schedule!
We would love to fill you in on all of the amazing things happening in your community!
Reach out to connect@life4real.org for more details and with any questions.
Charlottesville Team Sorting
Every Wednesday & Saturday we sort at GoStore It Self Storage. 1324 Belleview Ave, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Wednesday: 6:00pm-8:00pm & Saturday 10:00-12:00 (timing may change pending volunteers and scheduling)
If you would like to join us then follow the sign up link below and we will make sure you have all the details prior to the event.
For more information or to ask questions please reach out to connect@life4Real.org.
Moments of Hope Outreach
Come join us to sit with our friends/neighbors in the community while they eat a hot meal on a Saturday Serving with our partner Moments of Hope. This is a wonderful way to see how this amazing organization is helping so many in the community but to also start building relationships with those experiencing homelessness.
This opportunity is for Adults 18 and over only and we like to only have 4-5 each time when we attend. For more details you can reach out to us at connect@life4real.org
Richmond Team Sorting
Every 2nd Saturday of the month we sort at West End Storage or a local team members home from 10:00-12:00 (pending weather).
If you would like to join us then follow the sign up link below and we will make sure you have all the details prior to the event.
For more information or to ask questions please reach out to connect@life4Real.org.
REAL Conversations
Our Real Conversations can be online via Zoom or in person and they are simple conversations that will really give you things to think about and hopefully a new way to see those in the community you live.
We host these once a month on Thursday nights from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Please use the sign up link below and we will send you the link for the Zoom Call.
We know these topics can be overwhelming to know where to start and what to talk about. Our Real Conversations give the perfect way for you to sit back and join a safe, kind, welcoming atmosphere to learn the basics.
Conversation topics include: Human trafficking (sexual exploitation), abuse and sexual violence, pornography, homelessness, & digital media safety.
Please email us at connect@life4real with any questions!
Mechanicsville Team Sorting
Every 2nd Saturday of the month we sort at Atlee Church from 10:00-12:00.7171 VERDI LANE, MECHANICSVILLE, VA 23116
If you would like to join us then follow the sign up link below and we will make sure you have all the details prior to the event.
For more information or to ask questions please reach out to connect@life4Real.org.